Top 5 Reasons For Learning Math
1. Every highly paid professional job requires knowledge of Math.
Want to be an engineer, an IT professional or an economist in the future? If your answer is in negative, let me give you the names of some other job roles which you may aspire to.
a) Statistician b) Stock Market Analyst
c) Physicist d) Biophysicist
e) Banker f) Systems Analyst
g) Chartered Accountant h) Astronomer
i) Database Administrator j) Cryptanalyst
k) Musician l) Sports Person
m) Homemaker
The list is really very long.
2. Math is a scoring subject.
Math has exact, authentic answers. No one can deduct any marks from your solution, provided you write all the steps correctly and come at the correct result by making accurate calculations.
You will never be getting a 100% score in a subject that involve descriptive writing, however talented you may be in that area.
You are not good in Math. You do not understand every chapter of your Math syllabus. Absolutely no problem. You may afford to leave some of the toughest chapters (according to you) for your examination. Questions, of any question paper, are set in such a way that they encompass the full course of study. If you practice sufficient sums from your selected chapters, you should be able to answer the questions from those chapters correctly. The corresponding mark may be sufficient for getting a passing grade for you.
You desire to take admission in an A grade school or college in Science stream. You should possess a high PCM (Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics) aggregate. Even though both Physics and Chemistry are Science subjects and you can score high grades on them as well, but you may not achieve the perfect score. It may be due to a practical experiment or may be due to some other reason. But you can always score full marks in Math. Thus, your Math marks can help you to improve your PCM aggregate.
3. Math trains our brain for logical thinking.
Math is all about problem solving. We have several problems in our daily lives. We always find a solution to our problems. This calls for logical thinking. We consider and choose the way which will be best for us.
Imagine you are the decision taker of your home. You hold to project your monthly expenditure that you can afford on household items. You sustain to keep some fund for emergency or unforeseen uses. You may still have to adjust your amount kept for different uses. All these require strategic thinking. We set about this process of thinking rationally when we first start learning problem solving in Mathematics.
Lisa has 5 chocolates. She wants to give some chocolates to her friends. How many chocolates can she give at the most?
4. Math is essential in our everyday lives.
We need Math knowledge in our daily lives. Considerably, you may argue that you can use the calculator present in every mobile phone set. But would you be comfortable to push the keys on your calculator in public, every time that you have to do a simple calculation? Wouldn't it be ridiculous if you have to get the help of a calculator to find the cost of 5 notebooks, if 1 notebook costs INR 50?
5. Math knowledge is indispensable for correct data analysis.
Math knowledge is essential for understanding the global economy. Well, you may say that you are not interested in knowing that. Fine. But, you should at least be able to draw valuable conclusions about where to invest your money by correctly understanding the present status of different companies from the market value of their shares and other associated data. You should be able to calculate your taxes. These require the knowledge of Math.
The importance of Math in our daily life is immense. We cannot survive without Math. Math is everywhere. The points mentioned above are just the top of the 'Utility of Math' iceberg.