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Be Happy And Share Your Happiness With Others! ---- From an Online Math Tutor

Be In A Festive Mood!

Now, is the festive season in India. The Navratris and the Dussehra festivals are being celebrated throughout India and the Bengalis are having their greatest festival of the year, the Durga Puja. We purchase new dress, new shoes, new cosmetics. We decorate our houses, inside and out. We make out everything according to our fiscal capacity to get everything look gorgeous. We distribute sweets among our relatives and friends.

This is perhaps the biggest business season for the textile industry, cosmetic industry and many others in India. Hence there is enjoyment everywhere.

Wait a moment, please. Do not stop reading the rest of the article assuming that it relates to a particular religion. We all have our festive seasons irrespective of whichever religion, we belong to, the time of celebrations may be different.

Do we ever think of the physically challenged children who have dreams similar to those of any normal child? They may not be able to see this wonderful world, may not be able to play around or may not be able to speak out their feelings to others! We should be grateful to God for giving us every happiness in our lives, for making us healthy, normal human beings.

Can we not pledge to spend some time with these children to share our happiness with them? Can we not buy some gifts for them during these festive seasons? Trust me, your happiness will get doubled or tripled when you see your presence, your gift are bringing smiles in their faces. You would love to cherish this memory throughout your lives.

What did you say about that? You wish to spend your time with your acquaintances and family during these festive seasons? Absolutely no problem. After all, your family members have their rights to have you with them during those times. Why don’t you consider spending a day or two every year with these children? Select the days that suit into your agenda.

If you are a school or a college student, why don’t you visit a blind school? You can share your study notes with the visually impaired students. Remember, they do not have the scope of reading every book. Even today, we have a very limited number of books translated into Braille.


You can read short stories to visually challenged young kids. They would love your company and you would have one of your most precious feelings you have ever experienced.

Have you ever seen any cerebral palsy child? Can you comprehend the immense mental strength that the parents of such children have to acquire? Can we not attempt to bring grins to their faces by spending some time with their kid?

There are so many patients suffering from terminal diseases. Can we not pass some time with them to fetch them some happiness in their lifetimes?

We can find many elderly, lonely people living in our society. Can we not give them company for a few hours? The blessings that we will be taking from them and our associated joy that will follow can only be described as heavenly.

We can assist the needy section of our society in so many ways. Today, let us make a resolution to spend at least one day of every year of our lives in serving them. This joy will not be lesser than the delight that we experience during our festive seasons in any regard.

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